The easiest mouth watering crusty German bread rolls anyone can bake with just 4 ingredients!
Here's a super easy & simple recipe with just 4 ingredients for crusty bread rolls from scratch!
You can have your bread rolls ready to eat in a couple of hours! No kneading involved!
🥖 Crusty no knead Bread Rolls😋
2 ¾ cups flour
1¼ tsp dry yeast
1¾ cups warm water
1½ tsp salt

Stir ingredients with a rubber spatula or wooden spoon until combined (do not knead).

The dough will be very "wet".

Cover (not air tight!) and let rise for 1½ hours (or longer in colder temperatures)

Preheat oven with cookie sheet in it to 450f.
If you own a baking Stone or granite (I'm using mine from my Raclette Set), preheat those in the oven instead of the cookie sheet.
This is what your dough should look like after rising, again, it's a very wet dough!

Sprinkle some flour on the dough and work surface (you can also add raw hulled pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, chia, flax, poppy, sesame, oats etc...)

Just "cut" the desired amount with your spatula and roll in flour. No kneading! The dough will be very wobbly, sticky and wet and it's easier to handle with a spatula than your hands.

Set your rolls on parchment paper. I put my paper on a wooden cutting board which makes the it easy to slide it onto the cookie sheet/baking Stone.

Bake for 17 to 22 minutes until browned (depending on your oven and size of rolls).

Enjoy! ♥️
(Chances are these won't last longer than it takes for them to cool down... But if you do have any leftovers, cover them with a cotton kitchen towel to keep them fresh & crusty overnight)